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DELTA NZ TRANS - Zasielateľská spoločnosť

About the company DELTA-NZTRANS s.r.o.

DELTA-NZTRANS is a company with a long tradition, rich experience and professional approach offering services in transport, forwarding, logistics and customs declaration services.

The company DELTA-NZTRANS was established in 1994 by three partners as a small shipping company with 8 employees and the scope of activities was forwarding, customs declaration and operation of a customs warehouse.

The turning point was the establishment of the Base Customs Centre and the construction of our own warehouses in Nové Zámky, as well as the opening of a branch in Štúrovo. Our activity has expanded to include international and domestic transport with our own vehicles.

At present, the company has its own vehicle fleet for international transport with 30 vehicles, and a logistics and customs warehouse in Nové Zámky. We are dedicated to serving regular clients and improving services in logistics. Our subsidiary company DENZ Logistics s.r.o., based in the south of the Czech Republic, is engaged in shipping activities and serves the European market.

Our company is certified by the ISO 9001:2000 quality management system in the areas of forwarding, customs declaration, international and domestic transport and logistics. We are also certified as an Approved Economic Operator – AEO. We are also members of all the major organisations in the industry.

The main strategy of the company is to provide its clients with comprehensive and high-quality services.

Our services

Quality services to your satisfaction


Do you need to ensure the flow of your goods?

International and domestic road transport

Do you need to transport your goods?

Customs declaration

Do you need to export or import your goods across the borders of the European Community?

Warehouse and distribution logistics

Do you need your goods stored, restocked, packed, sorted or distributed?


Do you need to ensure the flow of your goods?

International and domestic road freight transport by own vehicles and with contracted carriers. For our clients, we organise the entire transportation process, optimise the price and provide advice throughout the entire contractual relationship. We transport almost all types of goods and products.
We transport goods within all states of the European Union, with the main emphasis on Hungary.

We provide all additional services connected with the transportation of goods

  • shipment insurance
  • transhipments
  • repackaging
  • distribution
  • neutralisation of documents

International and domestic road transport

Do you need to transport your goods?

International and domestic road freight transport using own vehicles.
For our clients, we organise the entire transportation process, optimise the price and provide advice throughout the entire contractual relationship. We transport almost all types of goods and products.

The capacity of our fleet

We currently have a fleet of 30 semi-trailers in categories EUR5-6 with a volume of 80-100 m3 and a load capacity of up to 25 tons. We also have Walking floor trailer sets and large-volume vehicles up to 7.5t.

All vehicles are in perfect technical condition, which is ensured by regular maintenance at our service centre as well as contracted service centres throughout Europe.

All vehicles are secured by GPS monitoring, thanks to which the client always has accurate information about the location of the goods.

Customs declaration

Do you need to export or import your goods across the borders of the European Community?

The customs declaration services are provided on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. and they guarantee you the comprehensive processing of documents necessary for the movement of goods between the European Union (EU) and third countries. We provide customs clearance for export and import. We will arrange the customs procedure for you in the customs area, which is the Customs Branch of the Nitra Customs Office on the premises of our company. We can also store your goods in the customs warehouse located on the premises of our company.

Furthermore, we will provide you with new processing of documents and records, statistical monitoring and reporting to INTRASTAT for trade within the movement of goods between Slovakia and EU countries.

Further information

Warehouse and distribution logistics

Do you need your goods stored, restocked, packed, sorted or distributed?

We have warehouse premises with an area of ​​2000 m2.

Our warehouse premises provide:

Access for all types of trucks, accurate records of stored commodities, protection with a camera and security system connected to the police.

Quality logistics is a prerequisite for cost savings, especially in non-production activities that inevitably accompany every production of goods or services.

A company that has quality logistics has a competitive advantage on the market.
The employees of our company create for the clients practical prerequisites for optimisation, coordination and synchronisation of activities in the field of logistics.

With us you have guaranteed:

  • reliability of delivery,
  • completeness of shipments,
  • compliance with delivery times,
  • distribution quality,
  • providing information about the shipment’s movement.


See the photos of our fleet.

Certificates and documents

Svg mapa

Nitra, Slovenská republika

Fraňa Mojtu 18
94901 Nitra
Slovenská republika

Nové Zámky, Slovenská republika

Komárňanská cesta 13
940 01 Nové Zámky
Slovenská republika

Contact information

Contact form

If you are interested in a price offer or working at our company, contact us via the form and we will get back to you.

    DELTA-NZTRANS spol. s r.o.
    Komárňanská cesta 13
    940 01 Nové Zámky
    Company ID: 34111271
    Tax ID: 2020414374
    VAT ID: SK2020414374

    Logistics and storage:
    Mob.: +421905280459
    E-mail: lukacovsky@deltanz.sk

    Rent of office and business premises:
    Mob.: +421905280459
    E-mail: lukacovsky@deltanz.sk

    Freight transport:
    Tel.: +421 35 6430 315
    Mob.: +421905319468
    Mob.: +421905388119

    E-mail: ondriskovic@deltanz.sk
    E-mail: hlavackova@deltanz.sk

    Mob.:+421 905 225 616
    Mob.:+421 918 822 851
    Mob.:+421 905 225 696

    E-mail: szabova@deltanz.sk
    E-mail: szestak@deltanz.sk
    E-mail: kacani@deltanz.sk

    Customs declaration:
    Tel.: +421 35 6430 497
    Fax :+421 35 6430 497
    Mob.: +421 905 295 357
    Mob.: +421 907 770 881

    E-mail: deltacd@deltanz.sk
    E-mail: boldisova@deltanz.sk

    Economic Department:
    Tel.: +421 37 652 66 73
    Mob.: +421 907 770 462
    Mob.: +421 917 886 221

    E-mail: havrila@deltanz.sk
    E-mail: finance@deltanz.sk